they took charge of practical business for a trial , under the supervision of the ossotonin . 彼らは頭人の指揮下で審理実務を担当した。
he studied academics under oe no masafusa , and learned the traditional bureaucratic lessons for practical business . 師通は大江匡房に学問を学び、匡房に代表される伝統的な実務官僚層を掌握する。
since the office of the benkan took charge of the practical business at the center of political affairs , it too was considered an important post . 弁官は国政中枢の実務を担っていたため、これも重要な官職と見られていた。
as the practical business of shonagon was performed by daigeki and shogeki (prescribed number was two for each ), shonagonkyoku began to be called gekikyoku . 少納言局の実務は外記・外記(定員各2)が行い、外記と呼ばれるようになった。
gradually he came to deal with the practical business of ruling chigyo-koku (provincial fiefdom ), planning and carrying out policies of finances and management of fiefs . 次第に平家の知行国支配の実務を担当するようになり、財政及び領国経営の施策を企画実行するようになった。